Saturday, January 21, 2017

Turtle Bath Thermometer Toy

This floating turtle toy can let a parent know the temperature of the water and if it is acceptable to a child's use. All that needs to happen is for it to float in water, and it will let you know by the color of the screen whether it is suitable or not. Blue means it it too cold. Red means it is too hot, and green means you are good to go. My toddler went in water that was slightly red, and refused to sit in the water. When I added cold water for the turtle to become green my toddler sat and enjoyed the bath. My kids enjoyed playing with it, and I love how I know if it is safe for my kids, and when to get them out of the water when it has become too cold. It works well, and already has the batteries installed. I definitely would recommend this to parents, or anyone that plans on taking a bath as it really has been helpful. I received a sample to test and evaluate it.

#starreviews #ozeri #gotitfree

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